From Stockholm to the Arctic Circle, we had the chance to discover Swedish eco-municipalities, meet their representatives and many key actors of local sustainability. The study tour took place between May 11th and May 19th 2024, with a group composed of members of the Sustainable Sweden Association, and participants coming from the US. Our journey led us to three different places in Northern Sweden.

In Kalix, we visited the House of Care, met students who introduced us to their projects, and were invited to Sekom’s annual meeting (Swedish eco-municipalities association), leading to enriching exchanges.

In Övertorneå, the first eco-municipality, we learned about the indigenous people of the Torne Valley and their culture, and studied examples of social sustainability and waste management.

Finally our last destination, Hudiksvall, impressed us with its innovation center. Business and municipality presented their collaboration on all dimensions of sustainability.

We cannot wait to go back on tour in 2025 ! Stay updated if you want to join us next time !


You can find the complete study tour report on our Linkedin page and pictures on our Instagram